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Super Junior Kyuhyun Sets New Standard for Fan Service: ‘Blusukan’ to the Entire Concert Venue for Fans

Kyuhyun, the youngest member of Super Junior returned to Jakarta as a ballad soloist. He successfully wrapped up his tour “2024 Kyuhyun Asia Tour ‘Restart’ in Jakarta” last night on 18th May as Jakarta is the last stop for his tour. 

The concert was filled with overflowing fan services from the singer, as this concert was his very-first solo Asia tour and he wanted to created memorable memories for fans. Performing on the stage for the first half of the concert, Kyuhyun started the ‘blusukan’ (improptu visit). He walked to the fans while singing one of the most awaited song “Confession is Not Flashy”, an OST from hit drama “Hospital Playlist”. He greeted, waved, and posed for the fans while giving the gesture to urge the fans to remain seated. 

When everyone thought the singer would only visit the fans in the CAT 1 section, Kyuhyun surprised the audience by visiting those in tribune area. With steadily singing, the singer moved to CAT 2, CAT 3, CAT 4 and CAT 5 section. He visited all arena without exception. Making the fan service moment even more special, the second song he performed while walking around the tribune arena is a song that dedicated for his fans “Time with You”. The singer made sure that everyone who attended his last night’s concert could see him up close. His action not only made fans very happy but also moved as they watched their idol walk around the entire venue to see and greet them personally.

After returning to the stage, the singer expressed his feelings about getting close to the fans. “Because I looked at everyone one by one, I wanted to cry and it made me want to meet you again. So, is it better to see me on screen or in person?” which fans immediately responded that they preferred the latter. Kyuhyun had expressed his concern as he worried that his ‘blusukan’ agenda could cause a mess in audience section, but he was glad and proud that Indonesian fans were attentively stayed in their seats.

The next stage was a karaoke session for the Indonesian fans. The LED screen displayed the lyrics in romanization for the famous debut song “At Gwanghwamun”. Performing ballad songs along with the fans sang the lyrics, Kyuhyun said in awe, “Beyond my expectations, it turns out that Indonesian fans like ballad. If I had known this erlier, I would have come here often.”

As the show nearly end, Kyuhyun said he will return to Indonesia with the members.

“I will be back soon with the Super Junior members, I want to have more opportunities to meet you. Next year, someone (Super Junior) will be celebrating the 20th anniversary. Then, next year we’ll see each other more often, right? Everyone, please take care of your health. I will come in good health, so the next time I come with Super Junior members, let’s have fun again! And maybe, Kyuhyun as a ballad singer will come back again! Thank you for loving my members and me. Aku cinta kamu (I love you),” he said before singing the very last song “Rainbow”.

With this, Kyuhyun’s Asia tour has officially come to an end. We congratulate Kyuhyun and his team for successfully completing the tour and thank Kyuhyun for providing us with an exceptional ballad concert experience and heartfelt fan service. Alongside KYUpiter and ELF, KoreanUpdates thoroughly enjoyed the concert. We also extend our gratitude to CK Star Entertainment for inviting us as a media partner and giving us the opportunity to witness how awesome Kyuhyun is.

Reporter: Mutia Drajat

Photo: CK Star Entertainement

About Mutia (129 Articles)
Immensely enjoying K-content and deeply in love with autumn.

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