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2024 KYUHYUN ASIA TOUR “Restart” in Jakarta Wrapped Up with a Resounding Success — More Than Just a Ballad Concert

The ‘Prince of Ballad’, Kyuhyun of Super Junior returned to Indonesia for his very-first solo Asia tour as a ballad singer. However, this is not the ballad concert you imagined. More than a ballad concert. Here’s why!

Kyuhyun successfully held his solo concert entitled “2024 Kyuhyun Asia Tour ‘Restart’ in Jakarta” and the last night’s concert was the last stop for his Asia tour series. The concert was opened with “Restart” and “Dreaming”, and the main character of the night looks stunning in black-white outfit.

“This is really the last day (of the concert), so I feel so goosebumps, merinding,” said the singer on his first ment. Kyuhyun revealed that the Asia tour had been going on for two months, first show in Seoul and last show in Jakarta. “Because this is the last day, I will show everything,” he continued.

Seeing the great energy of the fans, Kyuhyun expressed his gratitude to the fans who attended his show. “I feel so grateful, because I didn’t expect so many people will come my concert.” In the middle of loud cheering, Kyuhyun expressed his apologies as for the next stage, he would perform Ballad songs and asked fans to save their energy.

The singer poured out his emotions on “A Million Pieces” and “Slow, Slowly”. We moved to the next ballad stage, which Kyuhyun described it as the best song for lullabies. He jokingly said, “Have you been having trouble sleeping lately? It’s time for you to sleep, because this is the best song to fall asleep to.” Kyuhyun revealed that they would minimaze the band’s sound so that fans could sleep better. But, in fact by minimalizing the band’s music, fans could hear his live vocal more clearly.

As soon as he started singing, the sound of the piano combined with his vocal prowess managed to give us goosebumps witnessing his melodious and emotional vocals echoed beautifully in the venue. The singer continously showing his awe of the audiences seeing how they singing along throughout the songs. “I heard lots of fans are singing, so it turns out I wasn’t performing alone. Terbaik (the best).”

Kyuhyun who previously covered Indonesian song “Sisa Rasa” by Mahalini on his YouTube channel, shared the behind story. “Actually, I recorded and shot the cover a month ago. Every time I hear the song, I wonder when will I be able to sing this song? Finally I can sing it today! To be honest, this is my first time and I’m afraid I’ll pronounce it wrong, so I feel nervous.”

But, as expected from the lead singer of Super Junior, he performed the song really well not to mention how good his pronunciation is. He asked fans’ opinion about his performance, “Is it good? Do I look like Indonesian?” and the fans responded that he sings very well. Hearing the fans’ answers, Kyuhyun felt proud and bragged about his local name, ‘Hotman’. Showing his sincerity to Indonesian fans, he said, “I hope you all feel how much I love Indonesia.”

The acclaimed musical actor also prepared a musical performance for the fans who haven’t watched his musical show in South Korea. Giving a musical viewing experience, the stage transformed dramatically with the red light and the musical actor mesmerized fans with a song from “Ben Hur”, a Korean musical he starred in 2023.

Remember when we said this is not a ballad concert you imagined? Aside from his undoubted musical abilities, we were impressed on how good the singer carried the show alone for 2,5 hours. As expected from a member of reowned idol group who’s going to celebrate their 20th anniversary next year and a popular TV personality, he communicated with the fans really well and often throwed jokes that invited laughter troughout the venue. More than a ballad concert, Kyuhyun has proved himself as a true entertainer. He even switched the ballad concert into party as he performed a dance songs “Flying, deep in the night”, “Together”, also Super Junior medley “Devil”, “Black Suit”, and “Sorry, Sorry”. Along with the dancer team, he sang all the songs live with energetic dance.

“Since today is the last day, I put in an extra effort. I usually performed hard tho, but this time I pushed even harder. Even though this is a ballad concert, it’s really exciting, right?”, fans agreed as they enjoyed his performances.

Kyuhyun successfully delivered the best experience for fans who attended his first ballad concert.

Reporter: Mutia Drajat

Photo: CK Star Entertainment

About Mutia (129 Articles)
Immensely enjoying K-content and deeply in love with autumn.

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