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[Exclusive] Read Our Quick yet Fun Interview with VAV!

While we are constantly getting bombarded with great comeback songs and new group’s debuts, it won’t be weird if we let one or two gems get away. Knowing this, KoreanUpdates won’t let you miss our new favorite group, VAV.

Debuted on October 31st, 2015, VAV is a 7-members group consists of St.Van, Baron, ACE, Ayno, Jacob, Lou, and Ziu. With strong concept of “Under the Moonlight, VAV got their selves into music industry and has constantly released singles showcasing their different charms.

VAV recently made their comeback with new song “She’s Mine” and it is our current jam! Lucky enough, KoreanUpdates got the chance to indirectly met VAV and interviewed them to let Jjangers know the group better and got the “Vampz” fever just like us.

VAV introduced their recent song “She’s Mine” as an urban electronic dance song which expresses a man’s desire to tell others that the girl is his. Members said as they came back with new (sexy) concept this time, they hope people will like the song. As they have tried various concepts until this comeback, VAV believes that their ability to rock different styles to be the group’s unique point. VAV also shows their desire to be a group who is known to have great songs, so people will always listen to each of their release. Baron and Ayno especially expressed their interest on song-writing and hope to produce a lot of songs in the future.

VAV never failed to constantly showed love to their fans, VAMPZ, as they mentioned fans are both their motivation and inspiration to work as a group. The group also has just celebrated their 2nd debut anniversary and they thank their fans who have been supporting them for the past 2 years.

The short yet fun interview sadly has to end, but our support for VAV is not. Hope we can meet them again, soon.

*The interview video will soon be updated with subtitle, please wait for it.

About mschoiyu (365 Articles)
1993-liner. Can't really describe my love for Korean culture. Nice to meet you!

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