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It’s B.I in Singapore For His 2024 TOUR “HYPE UP”

The singer who is also a songwriter from South Korea, B.I came to Singapore on last Saturday for his B.I 2024 TOUR “HYPE UP” IN ASIA and it was his third stop in the tour. 

B.I has shown his sincerity to the Singapore fans during 1st MENT of the concert by mentioning that “I will try to speak in English but my English teacher is on holiday now so I will speak in half English and half Korean,” said B.I. 

During the concert, B.I went down to meet the fans real close and taking photos with the lucky fans and has proven that the bonding between B.I and the fans are really intimately close. It was lucky for the fans to have enjoyed such sweet benefits.

Not forgetting that it’s a must to perform the fans favourite songs live such as “Keep Me Up”, “Smoke (Remix)”, “COSMOS”, and “Daydream”. Fans started to cheer loudly as these songs are being performed. 

B.I’ has also invited the rookie Korean-Australian labelmate Leo to perform some of the songs such as ”Come Closer” and shared the stage with B.I for “Pretty Plzzz”. The concert portrays a clubbing party atmosphere with loud cheering and has also truly present the sweet moment between the fans and Idol . It was a truly memorable concert  that fans would love to have one soon! 

KoreanUpdates would like to thanks Three Angles Production for the invitation for the great show!

Reported by Jennifer Teh

About Mutia (129 Articles)
Immensely enjoying K-content and deeply in love with autumn.

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