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A Night Full of Love and Memories with RIIZE in RIIZE on Richeese Island.

SM Entertainment’s rising boy group, RIIZE came to Jakarta to greet their fans in RIIZE on Richeese Land. The opening was Get A Guitar with astonishing performance by RIIZE. Every members who appeared in the screen successfully make all fans in Beach City International Stadium screamed.

When they finished performing Get A Guitar, the meet and great was continued by chit chat sessions. Wonbin said Jakarta feels so hot but he could feel the hotness from all of fans who came today. Sungchan also said that he glad to meet BRIIZE today. Next to the other segment, RIIZE was divided into 3 groups. Wonbin & Eunsok in team A, Sohee & Anton in team B and Subgchan with Shotaro in C team. each team has different mission, the prize for each mission is a gift for BRIIZE.

First challenge for team A was pose like a model and fans need to scream as loud as they can so the decible would be count. If the decible took the high number team A will win. Wonbin and Eunseok were posed and fans screamed loudly, turns out the decible achieve their target so team A won.

Next challenge for B team was eat the nabati snack and make it 3 cm only. Sohee and Anton did it perfectly till the emcee could not measure the size veacuse itwas so small. The challenge for C team Sungchan and Shotaro was arrange the Nabati puzzle into the right picture but they failed. So the first games only A & B team who won.

The meet and greet continue with the second games. Wonbin, Sohee and Shotaro were asked to plate the dishes while Sungchan, Anton and Eunseok need to guess which members who plate the dishes. Sungchan and Eunseok guessed it right meanwhile Anton guessed it wrong. Anton got punished by dance the Tiktok trend 한강 고양이 리믹스 at the end, the rest of members were joined along with Anton.

Before the meet and greet ended, RIIZE sang their hits songs Love 119 and Impossible. When the encore finished, RIIZE greeted all the fans from one side to others and gave a flying kiss through the camera.

Thank you Nabati ID for the invitation, it was fun night with RIIZE on Richeese Island.

Article by: Azzam

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