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Kim Jaejoong and Y Global Ent. Sign MOU to Enter The Entertainment Market in Thailand

Mr. Lee Soo Bin, the president of Y Global Ent. announced a collaboration with INKODE ENTERTAINMENT, which the founder of the company is Kim Jaejoong, a famous artist from South Korea. The companies joined the MOU signing at Grande Center Point Hotel, Sukhumvit 55, Boardroom room on August 26th.

In the future, both companies will have joint activities like concerts, fan meetings, entertainment programs, including opening auditions to find a new artist in Thailand.

Kim Jaejoong revealed, “It’s not just cooperation between countries, but it also includes rich infrastructure, production, and marketing. More diverse perspectives. I hope that the cooperation between Y Global Ent and INKODE ENTERTAINMENT can be realized and start working in Q3 this year. Global auditions are being prepared. Not only auditions, we will have many works including my works as well, so please look forward to it.”

About Mutia (129 Articles)
Immensely enjoying K-content and deeply in love with autumn.

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