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WOODZ Delivered a 1000 out of 10 Performance for ‘2023 WOODZ WORLD TOUR [OO-LI] IN JAKARTA’

WOODZ (Real name: Cho Seung Youn) finally visited Jakarta for his first world tour ‘2023 WOODZ WORLD TOUR [OO-LI] IN JAKARTA‘ and it didn’t disappoint, at all.

The heat was already felt since the opening delivered by his awesome band team, with the spectacular lighting and strong bass, bringing WOODZ to the stage with ‘Busted’ as his opening act. Entering the stage with red hood and sun glasses, the all-rounder artist succeed bringing up the mood, hype, and MOODZ (WOODZ fans) to stood up from their seat and enjoying the song with him together for ‘Hijack’ and ‘Love Me Harder’.

As it’s his first time ever in Jakarta, WOODZ can’t hide his excitement witnessing Indonesia MOODZ singing along with him and having fun together during ‘Trigger’, performance which was last for 3 times as MOODZ requested again and again. The show is even more special with WOODZ own redintion of New Jeans – ‘Hype Boy’ and Kahitna – ‘Cantik’, MOODZ surely can’t get over “Sungguh aku sayang kamu” from WOODZ last night.

WOODZ bringing up a sweet LDR song ‘Multiply’ and a song which he dear as he shared he wants to express his feelings more with ‘Abbys’. OO-LI really show how wide WOODZ range in music and performance as he showed the opposite charm between sexy and cute for his next set list, leaving MOODZ went crazy and can’t stop screaming “AAAAA” and “SO CUTE!”.

The 2 hours show really went so fast as we realized, we reach the end of the show with WOODZ running back to the backstage after he proudly showing off his tattoo and MOODZ who also can’t believe the show has ended, keep shouting for an encore. We hope this is a sign that we will have another meet with WOODZ as we don’t want the show to end, ever.

KoreanUpdates would like to thank Mecima Pro for inviting us, to witness the perfect concert to jump, enjoy, and sing along. See you on the next event!


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