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ZE:A Kwanghee Left A Message on His Instagram Defending Lee Hoo

As the rumor getting even worse about ZE:A’s leader, Lee Hoo, his fellow mate, Kwanghee just can’t keep it quiet.

After the problem solved, there’re misunderstanding about Lee Hoo that he’s now not revealing the secret document or now put the matter to rest after receiving the money. He previously stated that ZE:A just got 30% out of from their income. Regarding this, Kwanghee post a message on his instagram:

“Hello, this is ZE:A’s Kwanghee. After the long talk in Sunday night, all ZE:A members and agency were able to end the conversation with a positive note. All the members were there and my heart feel at ease because we could solve the problem amicably.

However, it’s bothering me about the misunderstanding around leader Junyoung. The rumor said that Junyoung received the money to quickly finish the problem. This is totally false. All of our members are there and Junyoung didn’t receive any money.

Junyoung, ZE:A, and agency will work hard to greet you with good news. We’re sorry for causing worry.”

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